7 Steps of Content Marketing!

1.    Planning of Content
Planning content is the first step in the content marketing process. Content Planning involves in-detail steps that define various objectives, such as the purpose of marketing, the points that need to cover, the type of audience, the schedule for writing and publishing the content type of media that will be used for content marketing, parameters for measuring the success, etc. The first step defines the overall content in detail.

2.    Content Creation
Content creation is the second step after planning. It involves creating informative content that would build interaction with the target audience. The main aim is to create relevant and reliable content. Content involves all the required information regarding the product or the parent topic. It is needed to be prepared in such a way that it is easily understood by the target audience.

3.    Development of Asset
Once the content is created, the next step is to develop the asset for marketing purposes. It involves making videos that include relevant information, techniques, usability, advantages, and experience of users. Graphics, infographics, and animations can also be used for asset development. Developing a proper asset helps customers to understand the content easily, improve SEO ranking of the company, and build a strong brand image.

4.    Shareability and Marketing
Sharing of content is an important step for successful Content Marketing. Once the content and assets are ready the content prepared is shared among various social media platforms and websites for marketing. It helps in influencing more users and target audiences. It is necessary to make sure that all the content that is shared is relevant and authentic.

5.    Promotion of Content
After sharing the content on various platforms the main step is the promotion of content. The content needs to reach the people who need it or those who are looking for it. Sharing the content with friends, bookmarking it, advertising, and personally advertising to the targeted audience can help the business promote the content.

6.    Repurposing
Repurposing is the step where available content is used for promoting the content. The available content can be used for advertising, posting on social media, and email communications. Repurposing helps to save time and money. It helps to reach out to more users and customers. The content is already known therefore the person involved in advertising can perform well.

7.    Measuring the Ongoing Performance and Making Changes Accordingly
Measuring performance is the last step of content marketing and involves analysing whether the targeted audience is satisfied with the product. It is to verify whether the defined progress is achieved or not. There are different ways that can be used to identify the overall performance, such as comments and reviews, number of social media followers, website visitors, email subscribers, traffic on the website, dwell time, bounce rate, etc. The performance is verified according to the plan. If not achieved, relevant changes are made in content and marketing strategies.



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